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Rosey's "Tent-in"
Charity Fundraiser
The purpose of this is
1) To raise awareness of needs, to promote prayer and raise funds.
2) to specifically raise awareness of the plight of refugees who live in tents with next to nothing
3) to fundraise for TearFund, which is a Christian aid agency helping people in need around the world.
4) To increase the immediacy of Tearfund’s appeal amongst church and community members.

Watch Notts TV interview here (about 37 mins)
Read Left Lion article here

How will it work?
Rosey will stay in a one person tent in the church foyer equipped with one sleeping bag, one bowl/bucket of water, one zip-lock bag amongst which items is a can opener, a plastic cup and hand sanitiser + 2 more items. She is allowed to bring three items of use – in this case markers, paper and a Jamaica Bible.
(For security she will have a mobile phone)
The Event
1. Rosey will enter the tent after Sunday worship on September 10th 2033 for one week
2. For safety reasons, at night she will retire to the Vicarage to sleep on the floor of the Vicar’s office – so still identifying with refugees and others in need.
3. Daily Bible readings, prayer and praise will be used from Church song book.
She will be alone, observed through windows or in company with visitors such as Tuesday groups and Seventh Day Adventist or Ethiopian worshippers, and all the other groups using the Church.
3. Personal needs within the tent when closed or in church toilet facilities if/when needed.
4. Food (gluten & dairy free) and hot drinks by donation – whenever not given she will be fasting instead.
5. Ongoing: statements and appeals pinned to tent by concerned persons who listen to news and/or read Tearfund emails or similar charitable resources such as Cafod, Oxfam, Christian Aid etc.
GIVE You can support the project by giving to TEAR fund. Money can be given direct to Rosey in collection boxes, or you can give online through a special page
FEED Like a refugee, Rosey has no food. You could make her a hot meal (Gluten/dairy free) or a hot drink - otherwise she will drink water & fast.
Company She would be glad of having a friendly chat! (although she won't open door to strangers when alone)
Rent the tent You could see what it's like by 'renting the tent' for a fixed time period - experience for yourself.