Challenge your self to fill in Abraham's family tree

Our Vicar, Rev Maureen Collins
Maureen has been in St Ann's since February 2017. She is married to Sean, and has 3 adult children and 2 grandsons. She loves being part of the community of St Ann's, and looking for ways to share God's love. Her hobby is photography and when she gets time, she loves to be creative, and enjoys being outside.
Licensed Lay Minister, Mr Densel Davy

Densel has been part of this church for many years, and served the church in many
capacities. He regularly takes part in services and plays a significant role in the leadership of the church. He is married to Marcia, and they have 3 adult children and grandchildren too. Densel enjoys travel, holidays and golf.

Kev and Andy are our Church Wardens, aided by Dave Staples. Kev has lived in St Ann's for many years, and has 4 children and a grandchild. He loves serving his community, and is a referee for the HoP wrestling community.
Church Wardens, Kevin Redmond & Andy Bhebhe

Music and Choir: Peter Cook
Peter is in charge of our Choir and plays organ, piano and keyboard in church.
We always welcome people getting involved with our musical worship,
whether that be in the choir, or the more contemporary worship band (led by Sean Collins).
Peter is Dad to Matthew, who when not in London, joins in all things musical (& technical!) in church.

Colleen Barnes, Children & Families Ministry Assistant
Colleen joined us in January 2024 - although she's been a long time resident of St Ann's.
She is passionate about helping children learn about Jesus, and linking with families in our community.
She has 2 [nearly?] grown up sons and a delightful 3 year old daughter.
The family love music and ice skating.

Jerome Edwards, Youth Link
Jerome volunteers with our Youth in church., and in the Community
He will help with the young people on Sunday mornings, but also get involved with schools work and building connection with youth in the community.
He enjoys connecting people, playing basketball, and learning to look after his allotment..

Katie Collins: Admin
Katie is our part time administrator - you will receive emails from her!
She is the person to contact about renting out our lovely building. Her usual time in the office is Thursday lunchtime, and you can contact her on
Katie works with children as a Nanny & PA, and loves [vegetarian] cooking and media.
The Church 'council' group is called the PCC. They are members of the church elected to work with the Vicar in making decisions about the life of our church. Do contact them with ideas or questions!

Safeguarding Lead, Kat Osborn
Kat enjoys being part of the community of St Ann's. Her particular responsibility in
church is safeguarding, so if you have any concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact her. The Church of England takes safeguarding seriously, and so does our church, please see our safeguarding page for more details. Kat is a sport and cooking enthusiast, who loves entertaining and community.
Sonia Barron
Rev Sonia Barron lives in Nottingham, works as officer in the Diocese of Lincoln but is a priest with permission to officiate in the Diocese of Nottingham and a member at St Ann’s. She is married to Tom and they have two grown up sons. She loves enabling others to achieve their potential and enjoys hill walking and music.

Michele Hampson
Rev Michele (or Mij) lives in Nottingham and has previously worked in psychiatric medicine,
so has a keen interest in well being, and is involved with the Diocese' Healing ministry. She has PTO
(permission to officiate!) at our church, and is a blessing to us.
Meet The Team!