Challenge your self to fill in Abraham's family tree
Pentecost is the Birthday of the Church,
when the Holy Spirit came to give power to Jesus' followers
Watch the story here: or here:

The Holy Spirit came as FIRE
Why not draw a picture of fire, or print out and colour in one of these - as you pray for the Holy Spirit to show His power in your life and in our world today?
The Holy Spirit came as mighty rushing WIND. You might like to make something out of paper of ribbons that will move in the wind, so every time you see it move you remember the Holy Spirit is there, even though you can't see Him! Or take a video of the wind in action?

Holy Spirit
moves gently....
...and sometimes more of a mighty rushing wind!
The Holy Spirit enable the disciples to speak in other TONGUES -languages they'd never learnt! The Holy Spirit brings PEACE & POWER to all peoples who turn to Him. Draw or print out a Peace dove and fill it with different languages - you could find the word for
Peace, or Welcome, or Jesus.
Look at some examples here, and send in your work for our gallery PLEASE!

Make a fire picture:
Print & colour;
Draw your own & colour it
or cut paper to make a fire
Send us a picture of your work!

Find different languages saying Peace, Jesus or Welcome. Put them in a dove: the sign of the Holy Spirit
If anyone you know speaks a different language, ask them
to help! Find languages here, or search the internet!
Send us a picture of your work!

What can you make that will show that the wind is active, even though we can't see it - just like the Holy Spirit?
Or can you take a video of the unseen wind doing it's work?
Send us a picture of your work!
Click bird for more pictures