Challenge your self to fill in Abraham's family tree
What is Lent all about?
A time to reflect, and journey with Jesus through the wilderness, through his suffering and death to new life. Find out more from the link above.
What do people do in Lent?
Traditionally people give something up - to identify with Jesus fasting in the wilderness for 40 days. You could give up one meal a day (if safe for your health & well-being), but most people just give up something that they specially like eg chocolate, cakes, fizzy drinks or alcohol. Or it could be something like giving up watching TV, or a particular programme on TV or your computer/phone. The idea is to use the time more constructively to connect with God & think about what really matters.
You could take up something up instead of giving up!
Sometimes people choose to do something positive - like Random Acts of Kindness, or fun daily activities for each day, or acts of self care, or even BAKING through lent!
It's a time to MAKE more time to spend with Jesus
There are many ways you could do this but here are some more ideas:
A prayer time each day where you prayerfully fill in a sheet marking the days. You could colour, draw or write words.
Click the picture below for more details and templates
We recommend everyone to
sign up for free daily app
from Church of England
Short inspiring readings for each day.
There's a family version too.
Or emails, or a phone line!
Click the picture for the link!
Ash Wednesday 2021
marks the beginning of Lent. This is a time of thinking about Jesus' time in the wilderness, and his getting ready for Easter. Traditionally last year's palm crosses are burnt and the ashes used to mark crosses on each person's forehead. In 2021 we held a zoom service, including this short reflection and prayer >>>>