Challenge your self to fill in Abraham's family tree
On the days when it's not Church, or other activity in church, we will have daily 11am reflections on Zoom & facebook live - do join us!
(Or catch up here)
Click above for the videos daily.
Click the coloured picture for Day 1 Morning Reflection with Densel & Marcia
(Passcode: Yhe?xa^8)
Click "Joy" picture for Day 2 with Maureen.
(Passcode J5q=tUx=)
<< Click here for the awesome TKC song!
Prayer Stations at Church - Saturday May 15th
Day 5 Sean leads us in thinking about offering ourselves to God
<< click pic to watch
Day 6 Maureen leads us in thinking about connecting people to God
click pic to watch >>
Wednesday 19th Prayer for the World - in church (with masks) 10-11am or 2-3pm (not online!)
Day 8 Marcia led us in thinking about God's love & adoration. <<
Day 9 Maureen helped us think about the joy of being close to God. >>